Related Projects of Roads and Highways

Projects List

TS-Topographic Survey, ST-Soil Test, A-Architectural Plan, D-Detail Design, E/M-Electro-Mechanical Design, E/T-Estimate & Tendering, S-Supervision

Sl. No.

Name of project & Client

Name of Client

Description of Project

Service Provided

Project Cost






Project Management Consultant (PMC) for Improvement of Ashuganj River Port- Sarail-Dhaka-Akhaura-Land Port Road as 4- Lane, (L=50.58 KM), National Highways Project.

With SMVT of 3.0 meter width on each side. CREST width 34.60 m.



Export-Import Bank of India (LOC-Credit)


Improvement of 4-Lane Highway from 2-Lane, L= 50.58KM,  4- Lane National Highway

*Earth Work.

*Bituminous *Pavement, Rigid Pavement.

*RCC. Bridge, 16 Nos. (12680.0 M).

*Rail over Pass- 2 Nos. (2417.07 M).

*Steel Foot- over Bridge (665.76M).

* Box Culvert = 36 Nos. (226.80M).

*Rigid Pavement 3.26M.

* Large-Bridge L=500 M. PC girder



Design Review and

Construction Supervision & Project Management

Including EIA,EMP, SIA, SMP,LA & Re-Settlement

(Project Cost Total BDT: 35678.50 Million


Consultancy Fee= USD 14014551.57



TK= 119.12 Crores )

23th January 2020

Dec. 2023      (Construction Running)






Supervision of Construction works for Project Management Consultant (PMC) for Construction of 4- Lane Connecting Road with 2- Lane Service Road on both sides for Payra- 1320MW Thermal Power Plant under Patuakhali Road Division.

From-Amtoli to Tikakhali Bridge






Add. Chief Engineer, RHD, Barisal Zone, Barisal.

*4- Lane Road with 2- Lane Service Road, One- Bridge,

On both Side

*One-Bridge with Bank protection

*4-No. RCC-Culvert  * RCC Drain –Both Side

*Three Plantation with *Street- Medium Light

*Road Total Length of  L=3.50KM

Design Review and

Construction Supervision & Project Management


Project Cost:

= 220.00 Crores


Consultancy fees: Tk. 137.92 Lakh

February 2020

December 2021




Project implementation consultancy service for support to improvement of hatirjheel (rampura bridge)- shekherjaiga-amulia-demra road (with link to tarabo and chittagong road) highway into 4-lanes through pp p




Total 13.5 Km  4-Lane  elevated Expressway with Toll Plaza

Interchange, access control

Improvement of Existing 4-Lane in to divided Carriage way

Road side Drain, Foot-path 

Design Review and

Construction Supervision & Project Management


Consultancy fees- Tk.23.0crores


December 2026


MEPC JV Partner


Design Review & Construction Supervision under Construction of internal Road, drain & Footpath for Zone-01 to 05 at Gazipur City Corporation.


Gazipur City Corporation

Construction of internal Road, 2-Lane, 4-Lane Ragid parement+Bituminous Road, Road side, RCC Drain, Cross Drain, Improvement of Footpath etc.

Design Review and

Construction Supervision & Project Management


Project Cost:

= 500.00 Crores


Fees: 267.00 Lakh





Project Management Consultancy for Construction Supervision of widening of Main Connecting Road in Various Zone- (2 – Lane/4-Lane)including Construction drain & Footpath at Gazipur City Corporation.



Gazipur City Corporation

Road 100.0 KM.

Road side RCC Drain, Cross- Drain, Footpath

*10 Nos RCC Culvert

*4 Nos RCC Bridge

*Rigid Pavement Bituminous Pavement

Design Review and

Construction Supervision & Project Management


Project Cost:

= 3618.00 Crores


Fees: 6.00 Crores

January 2020

December 2023




Architectural & Structural Design for Bridge Engineering Consultancy Services by preparing Design, Drawing, BOQ. Standard Tender Document etc. for Construction of 7200 Bridge/Culvert up to 15 meter Length on Rural Roads at 492 Upazilas under 64 Districts of Bangladesh.


Department of Disaster Management (DDM)


Construction of 7200 Bridge/Culvert up to 15 meter Length on Rural Roads at 492 Upazilas under 64 Districts of Bangladesh.


Design Review and

Construction Supervision & Project Management








Detail Design, Supervision & Monitoring (DSM)

Consultancy Services for   Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) infrastructure Component, Clean Air- Sustainable Environmental (CASE) Project, Cr- 4581 BD. Funded by IDA, (Urban- Road- Improvement of 6- Lane, 4- Lane & 2- Lane), of Dhaka City, Funded by World Bank.

Dhaka City Corporation


Feasibility Study, Detail Design, Tender Management and Construction Supervision of Road Under Dhaka City, 6- Lane, 4- Lane & 2- lane, in Mahammadpur, Khailgaon, Uttara& Old Town Mirpur, Shamoli &Tejgaon Area 100.0 KM, RCC+ Bituminas Pavement

Improvement of 40-intersection, with Plantation

Street Light, Solar Panel, Time Court down,

23-Nos. Steel Foot over bridge and Fixing of Escalator in Banani, Foot over Bridge,

Road Side Drain, L= 160 KM

Improvement Drain (RCC. Brick & Pipe) Foot-path with tiles,

Environmental Study, Social Safeguard, Topographic Survey, Soil- investigation, Project Management & Monitoring etc. under Dhaka City Corporation, Funded by World Bank. 




TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S



Design Supervision & Monitoring

(Project Cost= Tk. 318.47 Crores

October 2010

June 2017













Consultancy Services for Detailed Design of 4-Laning of Dhaka-Chittagong Highway Project (Daudkandi to Chittagong Section (L = 192.3 KM)























Roads & Highways Department(RHD),Ministry of Communication, Bangladesh

Total length of 4- Lane Highway Road Construction: (Daudkandi to Chittagong Section L=192.3 K.M.

3 Nos. Fly- over (Rail- over Pass)

Flyover / Railway overpass at Comillaof 11 spans 291.5 m length

x 10.1 M width  

Fly-Over/Railway overpass at Feniof 3 spans 80.6 m length x

10.1 M width

3.Fly-Over /Railway overpass at Chittagong of 1 spans 32 m length

         x 10.1 M width

Total Number of Large   PC- Girder Bridge (5 Nos.) namely

1.Dhumghat Bridge of 7 spans 222 m length (maximum span  


Muhuri Bridge of 6 spans, 193.2 m length (maximum span


3.Lemua Bridge of 3 spans, 100.0 m length

4.Lalpur Bridge of 3 spans, length 68.40m

5.Mian Bazar Bridge of  5 spans,  length (112.50m)

Total Number of RCC box Culverts of 195 nos. with 1 Vent to 4 Vents (Various location)

Total number of Small RCC/Pre-stressed Bridge 23 Nos. with 1 span to 3 span of length 8m to 37.67m (Various location)

Total Number of Foot over Bridge (Steel) 33 Nos.

Total Number of Bus-Bay and sidewalks – 66 Nos. at different Bazar.

Geo- Technical Investigation,

Pavement Design, Topographic- Survey,

Alignment- Survey,

Hydrographic Survey

Land Acquisition, Re- settlement RMP, Environmental Study, Social Impact.

Detail Design, Preparation of Cost- estimate, BOQ, Tender- Document/ Contract Document.



TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S





Consultancy Fees = 12.09 Crores)


May 2006

(Design & Bidding Document)























Feasibility Study, Design & Construction Supervision of Fly-over at Khilgaon (South Loop L= 610 Meter under Local Government Engineering Division (LGED).



Feasibility Study Detail Design & Construction Supervision.

Design of PC- nGuirder of Length= 40.0M, Pier, Castin- situ Pile, Railing etc. Topographic Survey, Alinement Survey, Soil- investigation, Preparation of LA- Map, Re- settlement, Preparation of Cost- estimate, BOQ, Tender Document etc.


TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


Design &  Supervision

Project Cost=  40.0 Crores


Fees= Tk. 101.0 Crores

May 2011

December- 2015



Feasibility Study & Detail Design for Construction of Fly- over /Rail over Pass L= 1333.0 M at Fulbari, Khulna.


KDA, Khulna Development Authority.

Fly- over L= 1333.0M PC- Box Girder Pier, Pile, Pile Cap, Ramp, Pavement.

TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S



Consultancy Fees Tk. 98.50 Lakh

July - 2019

August- 2020



Detailed Design, Preparation of Cost- estimate & Supervision of Widening & Improvement of Khulna Shipyard Road. (L= 3+77 km), (From 2- Lane to 4- Lane) One P.C- Girder (L= 40M) & 2- Nos. RCC- Culvert. KDA, Khulna.

Khulna Development Authority (KDA)


Widening & improvement of Khulna Shipyard Road. L= 3+778km. width = 18.30m. Topographic Survey, Transportation Study. Environmental Study, Detail Design of Embankment. Pavement, Bridge, Culvert, Cost- estimate, BOQ, Tender Documents, etc.






TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


Design &Top-Supervision

Tk. 160.0 Crores

May 2018

April 2018 (Design Computed)

Construction on going Completed June 2023




Design and Supervision of Road L= 4.882 kM X 15.0 M (Width) Rigid Pavement.

* Connecting Road L= 1.410 KM X 12.0M (Width) Bituminous Pavement,

*RCC Bridge, 7 Nos.- L= 20.00 M X 8.0M (width),

*RCC Jetty L= 360.0 M X 20.0M, RCC Ramp & Other Infrastruction.

Consultancy Services for Establishment of River Port at Nagar Bari under BIWTA.


Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) Dhaka.

Design & Supervision of –

Heavy Type Road L = 4.882 KM X 15.0M (width) RCC- Pavement.

Connecting Road L= 1.410 KM X 12.0M width Bituminous Pavement

RCC Bridge, 7 Nos.- L= 20.00 M X 8.0M (width)

RCC Jetty L= 360.0 M X 20.0M

RCC Ramp & Other Infrastruction.


TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S



Design & Supervision


Tk. 600.0 Crores


June- 2023



Design  of 3- Three Link Road, Connecting City- By Pass Road in Khulna City L= 10.76 KM.

a)  Construction of Nirala to City by Pass Road,  L= 2.50 KM, 4- Lane with one PC- Girder Bridge L= 40.0 M + Box Culvert etc.

b) Link Road No- 2. Road From Khulna University to Rayer Mohal, Length L= 4.50KM. with one PC- Girder Bridge (L= 20.0M) 2 Nos- Box- Culvert.

c) Link Road- 3, Construction Road L= 3.76 kM. From Bastuhara to old Satkhira Road, 2- Box Culvert.


KDA, Khulna Development Authority.

Construction Earth Embankment, Base, Sub- Base, improve Soil, Sand Filling, Pavement, PC- Girder Bridge, Culvert, Pile, Pier, Pile Cap, Slab, Abetment Railing etc.

TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S





Tk. 39666.94 Lakh

May- 2019




Design & Supervision of L= 25.0 KM. Road with 3- Nos. Bridge 10 Nos. RCC Culvert in Banderban District.



Earth work, Bituminous Pavement, RCC Bridge Culvert, Pile Abutment etc.

TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S

Design & Supervision


July - 2014

June 2014



Construction Supervision of 6- lane Road from Diagonj to Sutrapur L= 2.00 KM, under Dhaka City Corporation, Dhaka, Funded by World Bank


Dhaka City Corporation, Dhaka,

Construction of 2.00km. bituminous carpeted road with base, sub-base etc. complete including footpath on both side drainage facilities, telephone cable, installation, street light etc. from Diagonj to Sutrapur Bridge to Zarani Bridge, Dhaka City,  under Environment Improvement Project, Dhaka City Corporation (DCC)


TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S



Design Revices&  Supervision


March 2000


December 2008



Consultancy Services for Plan, Design, Estimate, Approach Survey, Soil Test & Supervision for 464.75m Long RCC Bridge on Golachipa-Kalagachiya-Loahalia Road at Ch. 15812 over Lohalia River on PatuakhaliSadar under Patuakhali Districts.

Local Government Engineering Department


Local Government Engineering Department


“Construction of 464.75m long RCC Bridge on Galachipa-Kalagachia-Lohalia road at ch:15812m over Lohalia river on PatuakhaliSadar under Patuakhali District”.



TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S



Design & Top- Supervision






Rivew of Design & Construction Supervision of Teesta Bridge (L= 1490.0M), including Approach Road (4- Lane) 4.50 Km., Preparation of Bidding Document. Under LGED, Funded by SAUDI FUND For Development.



Detail Design of Bridge PC girder including 4.0KM approach Road (4- Lane), L= 1490m. Bank- Protection, Pavement, Design, Soil- investigation, Topographic Survey, Cost estimate, BOQ, Technical Specification,  Environmental Study, Social Safeguard,  Bidding/ Contract Document  etc.


TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S




Project Cost= 300.0 Crores


Consultancy  Fee= 5.0 Crores


(Design Completed)

 November 2017

EGIS India (Lead)

MEPC JV Partner


Consultancy Services for Plan, Design, Estimate, Hydrological & General Survey, Soil Test & Supervision of Construction of Construction work of 9 different size of long RCC Guider Bridges under Patuakhali&Barguna District in Different Upazila. Local Government Engineering Department


Local Government Engineering Department


Construction of 125m long RCC Bridge on Monipur GC-Kalisri GC-Baheyer Char GC road at Ch. 6480m.

Construction of 25m long RCC bridge on Kachipara UP-Joy Bangla Bazar-Karkhana Bazar Road at Ch. 1280m over


Construction of 40m long RCC bridge on Baliatoli Launch ghat (ChattBaliatoli Hat) Lemua UP road at Ch. 2150m.

Construction of 30m long RCC bridge on Khaprabanga Up-Chapali Hat road at Ch. 4000m.

Construction of 80m long RCC bridge over

Suatabari river on Chiknikandi up to Sutabaria bazar road at ch. 6200m.

Construction of 90m long RCC bridge on Badnikhali GC-KazirhatGC vai West karuna high school road over Baredonakhal at Ch. 30m.

Construction of 25m long RCC bridge on Barguna-Parirkhal-Nishanbaria GC road at Ch. 0.00m near west side WAPDA office over Crop khal.

Construction of 60m long RCC bridge on Burirchar Up-Hazarbigha-Kamarabadh-Porakataferyghat road at. Ch. 5000m over Burircharkhal near Kamarbadh bazar.

Construction of 25m long RCC bridge on Kholpotua GC-Douatola GC road at Ch. 2100m.


TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S




December- 2016





Design and Construction Supervision of 2.50 KM. Pavement Road with Embankment from Dhaka- Sylhet Highway to Bibiyana- III, Executed by RHD 400 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant at Bibyana, Moulavi Bazar, Under Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB)


Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB)

Design & Supervision Power Plant Connecting NEW Road, Construction of Embankment Flexiable (L= 3.10 KM) Pavement, and 4 Nos RCC Culvert, Three Plantation

TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


Design &  Supervision


December- 2015

July- 2015



Feasibility Study, Designing of Road Network Feasibility Study Preparation of Master Plan, Land use Plan for Kamrangirchar under RAJUK, Ministry of Public works & Housing.



RAJUK, Ministry of Public works & Housing.

Design & Supervision of outer circular road 4.0 kM. Middle-4lane road, East-west Direction, Middle 4-lane road north-south direction.





TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S




July 2013

January, 2015




Design of Embankment, Design of Pavement Road, RCC Road, L= 52.0 KM. Earthwork Protection, Survey, Soil-test, Environmental Study, Re-settlement, Walkway etc along the evicted fore-shore land at Ramchandrapur, Kamrangirchar, Pagla, Narayangonj, Basila, Mukterpur, Tongi, Hasnabad of River Buriganga, Sitalakha, Balu&Tongi River. Project (1st Phase) under BANGLADESH INLAND WATER TRANSPORT AUTHORITY (BIWTA)




Design Supervision of Embankment (52.0km), Earthwork Protection (35km), Survey, Soil-test, Environmental Study, Re-settlement, Walkway etc along the evicted fore-shore land at Ramchandrapur, Kamrangirchar, Pagla, Narayangonj, Basila, Mukterpur, Tongi, Hasnabad of River Buriganga, Sitalakha, Balu&Tongi River, about 50 KM including 10 Nos. Bridge & 20 RCC Culverts.

Scope of Consultancy Services:

Survey, Contour – Survey by Total Station, Soil-Test, Embankment (about 45.0km) volume & Earthwork Protection (35km), Walkway on Pile, RCC Steps, Landscaping, Preparation Design, Cost-estimate, Tender Document, Technical Specification, BOQ, Environment Study, Socio-Economic Study & Resettlement Action Plan 


TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S





January- 2015

December 2016



Construction L= 45.0 KM Embankment & Pavement & Walkway Architectural & Structural Design in connection with the Project Construction of Infrastructure facilities on evicted foreshore land under Dhaka, Narayangonj&Tongi River of BANGLADESH INLAND WATER TRANSPORT AUTHORITY (BIWTA)








Scope of Consultancy Services:

Construction of Road, River-Bank Protection, Road, Foot-path, Drain, Shore-Beautification, Land Escaping Walk Way, Quay Wall, Parking Yards, Open Yards & Recreational facilities.

TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S



Design &  Supervision



December- December - 2013



Preparation of Master Plan, Layout Plan and Design, Drawing of Port Facilities, Suggesting Equipment Facilities including improvement of road network & construction of new road by-pass the rail line (1.50KM), culvert, Landscaping Required for Development of Benapole Land Port, Banapole, Jessore as a World Class Port under BANGLADESH STHALA BANDAR KATRIPAKSHA (BSBK) under Ministry of Shipping.

(Construction of Steel Structure Ware-house &Godown 30-Nos. Land Development 60.0 Acres)














Preparation of Master Plan, Land escaping, Beautification plan, Layout Plan and Design, Suggesting Equipment Facilities, Feasibility Study, Topographic Survey, Traffic Survey, Site Selection, Soil-testing, River survey, Socio Economic Survey, Environmental Study;


Scope of Consultancy Services:

Land Survey, Soil- Testing, Preparation of Plan for drainage, Sewerage, Detail Design for Godown, Repair of Road, Cost- Estimate, Preparation of Tender Document.


TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S



Design &  Supervision



June- 2007



“Feasibility Study & Conceptual Design of the Project” Extension of Quay Wall including Modernization of Terminal Building at Khulna River Port Khulna.


Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA), Ministry of shipping (GOB).


Master Plan, Quay wall including sheet pile. revetment (2 KM), Steel anchor pile, RCC stack yard, RCC Bollard with pile, RCC Ramp, Steel Gangway, Spud and spud Ring, Pontoon (4-Nos), Transit shed, Modernization and Beautification of Terminal Building (Horizontal & Vertical Extern), Landscaping, Boundary wall, Road- 2.5 KM, Water Supply & Sanitation, Surface drain, Generation, Sub-station, Fire-fighting equipment.

Pavement Road L= 2.00KM


TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S





March- 2013

June- 2014

(Design Completed)



Construction of 4km. Road at Kutubdia&Satteruddin& 2 Nos. RCC Jetty 625 ft& 315 ft, Cox’sbazar District. under Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA), Funded by SAUDI FUND for Development (SFD) SAUDI ARABIA.


Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA),


Design & Supervision of Construction of 4km. Approach Road (including earth work in Road Embankment, Sub-base & Carpeting and wearing course and hard shoulder) & R.C.C Jetty in Costal Island of Kutubdia and Satteruddin at Cox’s Bazar under Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) Funded by SAUDI FUND for Development (SFD) SAUDI ARABIA.





TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S



Design & Supervision


July 1995

Oct. 1997



Design & Supervision of 4.0 km pavement road Akbarpur to Moulvibazar& 6 Nos. of RCC Bridge  under Horticulture Research Centre Project (HRC) at Akbarpur, Moulovibazar. Financed by ADB.

(Asian Development Bank)

Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI) Funded by ADB-Loan No. 1010 BAN (SF)



Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI) Funded by ADB-Loan No. 1010 BAN (SF)


Design & Supervision of 4Km Bituminous road 6 Nos. RCC- Bridge at Akbarpur, Horticulture farm at Moulivai Bazar.



TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S



Design & Supervision


Feb. 1992

May 1998



Design & Supervision of Flood Damaged Pavement (Road) under Horticulture Development project about 25.0km

Directorate of Agriculture Extension (DAE) Funded by ADB Loan No. 1010 BAN (SF)










Directorate of Agriculture Extension (DAE) Funded by ADB Loan No. 1010 BAN (SF)

Construction of 25km. Road Pavement under Horticulture Development Project, Directorate of Agriculture Extension, Funded by ADB.

TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


Design &  Supervision


March 1994

June 1999



Design & Supervision of Flood Damaged Pavement (Road) L= 3.50 kM. under Bangladesh Sericulture Research & Training Institute,about 5km at Panchagar. IDA-Credit No. 3004-BD. Bangladesh Sericulture Board, Rajshahi.




Bangladesh Sericulture Board, Rajshahi.


Construction of 3.50km, Road Pavement at Panchagar, Sericulture Research & Training Station Funded by World Bank.



TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S



Design &  Supervision



Dec. 2002



Construction of 4.0k Bituminous Carpeted Road under Establishment of Goat Farm at Sylhet about 4km from SylhetJaflong Highway.

Directorate of Live-Stock Services

Directorate of Live-Stock Services

Construction of Bituminous road with soft shoulder about 4Km. in Sylhet.

From SylhetJaflong Highway.



TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


Design & Supervision


July 1995


June, 1997



Some Roads and Highways individual projects


Card image cap
Connecting Road of Sylhet bypass Highway Road, 400MW PowerPlant, Moulavi Bazar

New Pavement Road L= 2.50 km (with 4 Nos. Box culvert) from Dhaka- Sylhet Highway to Bibiyana- Power Plant Hub of BPDB at Moulavibazar.

Card image cap
Bypass Road 1.5KM, Benapole Land Port

* Improvement of road network & Construction of New Road bypass the rail line up to Zero Point. * RCC Culvert - 10 Nos. * RCC Drain - 6.0 KM

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Sutrapur to Zirani Khal, 2.50 KM, 4 Lane, Pavement Road, RCC Box Culvert

Construction Design Review & Supervision of 2.5 KM. 4- lane, Embankment, Foot Path, Drain, Street Light, Box Culvert 2.5 km X 3.5m X 2.5m. Design Review and Construction Supervision of 2.50 KM, 4- Lane, Pavement Road Including Foot Path, Drain & Street Light, Traffic sign & Signaling including RCC Box Culvert of 2.50 km X 3.5m X 2.5m fromSutrapur to Zirani Khal at Old Town, Under Dhaka City Corporation, Funded by World Bank. IDA.

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Widening, Improvement of Shipyard Road (2 lane to 4 lane), Khulna

Detailed Design, Preparation of Cost-estimate & supervision of widening & improvement Khulna-Shipyard Road (L= 3+77km) From 2-Lane to 4-Lane, one PC-girder L= 40.0m & 2-RCC Culvert, RCC-drain on both side, Foot-path median, Traffic Sign & Signaling including street light post etc.

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DCC - S3 -Urban Road improvement

- Improvement of Dhaka City Corporation Road, 6- Lane, 4- Lane & 2- Lane = 100.00KM. - Design of Foot Over Bridges – 23 FOBS. - Banani Foot- over Bridge with Escalator (First Implemented in Bangladesh) - NMV/MV Lane Separators, 30KM *One way streets, 80KM *Sidewalks and Road Improvement, 160KM - Traffic Signals Synchronization, 47 Nos. Traffic Signal solar panels, countdown timers etc. - Improvement of 41- Intersections, Physical Improvement and Signalization at 30 new intersections and other physical works. * Road of Pavement, 100 KM, (Bituminous & RCC) * Drainage= 160KM (RCC, Brick) - Pipe Line = 20 KM * Road Marking = 50KM *Footpath with Decorative tiles

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Ashuganj River Port, Sarail-Dhaka-Akhaura Land-Port Road (L=50.58 KM)

Improvement of 4-Lane Highway from 2-Lane, L= 50.58KM, 4- Lane National Highway Earth Work. Bituminous Pavement, Rigid Pavement. RCC. Bridge, 16 Nos. (12680.0 M). Rail over Pass- 2 Nos. (2417.07 M). Steel Foot- over Bridge (665.76M). No. Box Culvert = 36 Nos. (226.80M). Rigid Pavement 3.26M.

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(Topographic Survey, Contour Survey, Traffic Survey, Road Condition Survey, Payment Survey & Design, Drainage Survey, Hydrological Study, EIA & EMP, Deflection Survey, LA Socio Economic Study, Environmental Study, Bridge Design, Sub- Soil- investigation. Detail Design, BOQ Cost- estimate. Preparation of Tender Document & Construction Supervision & Quality Control.) *Traffic survey, O-D Survey, Traffic Survey. *Traffic Impact Assessment. *Improvement of Intersection. *Bridge Condition Survey.

Card image cap
3 LinkRoads, Connecting Satkhira Road & City Bypass Road in Khulna City

Feasibility Study and Detail Design of 3 Three Link Road, Connecting Satkhira Road & City Bypass Road in Khulna City, L= 10.76 KM. 4 Lane a) Construction of Nirala to City bypass Road, L= 2.50 KM, 4 Lane with one PC Girder Bridge L= 40.0 M + Box Culvert etc. b) Link Road No 2: Road From Khulna University to Rayer Mohal, Length L= 4.50KM. with one PC Girder Bridge (L= 20.0M) 2 Nos Box Culvert. Etc. 4 Lane Road. c) Link Road 3: Construction Road L= 3.76 kM. From Bastuhara to old Satkhira Road, 2 Box Culvert etc. with 4 Lane Road.

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Heavy Duty Rigid & Bituminous Pavement Roads, Jetty and connecting Bridge, NagarBari

(a) Design & Supervision of Road L= 4.882 km X 15.0 width heavy duty Rigid Pavement. (b) Connecting Road L= 1.410 km X 12.0 m Bituminous Pavement Road etc. including RCC, Jetty (320m X 21.0m) with 8 Nos. Connecting Bridge of L= 22.0m under Project of Establishment of River Port at Nagar Bari.
